Turn Order
Each turn, the active player progresses through the following phases:
Draw: The player must draw a card unless another card effect prevents them from doing so.
Start of Turn: Resolve any Passives or Reacts that specify “Start of Turn.”
Primary Actions: Play/Deploy/Prepare cards from your hand or activate cards on the board.
Combat Loop: Attack an opponent’s creature with one of your own. (May repeat once for each creature unless a card says otherwise.) Can attack your opponent directly if they have no Deployed/Hidden cards on the board.
Secondary Actions: Play/Deploy/Prepare cards from your hand or activate cards on the board.
End of Turn: Resolve any Passives or Reacts that specify “End of Turn.”
During the Primary and/or Secondary turn phases, you may only play one Creature, Hero or Champion card from your hand each turn unless Promoting previously Deployed cards.
When Deploying a card, you have the following options:
● Play the card face-up in the vertical Attack position
● Play the card face-down in the horizontal Hidden Fortified position
Promoted cards can only be played in a face-up position unless otherwise specified on the card
During the Primary phase of your turn, you may play any number of ambush cards or Rune of your hand each turn. Rune cards can be set up or played directly from hand, but ambush cards must be Ready first and cannot React during the same turn they are Ready.
During the Combat Loop, you may choose one of your Deployed cards to attack any Deployed or Hidden card on the opponent’s side of the board. You may only attack once with each Deployed card unless otherwise specified on the card, but Fortified cards cannot attack.
The Heroes and creatures have two statistics: POWER and RESISTANCE, the power is used to attack when the card is vertical, and the resistance is used to defend when the cards are horizontal
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